Celebrate Hanukkah a little extra this year with some easy and fun Hanukkah crafts for kids. Not only will you have cool and unique decorations for the Festival of Lights, but you will also create amazing memories with you and your kids. Here are 3 Hanukkah crafts for kids that you can do with your family this year.
Homemade Dreidel
To begin with, our first fun DIY project is the dreidel. A traditional Hanukkah dreidel is a spinning top with four sides, each side inscribed with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The four Hebrew letters printed on the dreidel are Nun, Gimel, Hey or Chai and Shin. The letters form a Hebrew saying, Nes Gadol Hayah Sham, which translates to ” A Great Miracle Happened Here” referring to the miracle Hanukkah has centered around.
- Cardboard
- Short Pencil
- Marker
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Take your cardboard and ruler. Draw a line that measures 3 inches from the corner of your cardboard. Draw 2 more lines that also measure 3 inches and connect those 2 lines forming a square.

2. Secondly, cut out the square following the lines

3. After that, draw an X in the center of your squared cardboard making sure each corner is connected. You should have 4 equal triangles.

4. Print one Hebrew letter on each triangle
Hebrew Letters

4. Print one Hebrew letter on each triangle
Hebrew Letters

How to Play Dreidel
1) Unlimited number of players can play 2) Each player gathers 10-15 game pieces. These game pieces can be coins, chocolate chips , marbles , etc. 3) Each player puts one of their game pieces in the center “pot”. Once the pot is empty or only has 1 game piece left, every player needs to put one game piece in the pot. 4) Every person gets a turn to spin the dreidel. Depending on the side it lands on, that’s the action the player takes. 5) If the player is out of game pieces, then that player is out of the game or can ask another player for a “loan” 6) The game is over once one of the players has won everything in the pot |
Menorah Decoration From Popsicle Sticks
The Menorah is one of the most important objects used to celebrate the Jewish holiday. The Menorah is described in the Bible as a multi-branched candelabra made of pure gold and used in the tabernacle by Moses and later in the Temple in Jerusalem.
- Popsicle sticks
- Glue
- Construction paper
- Markers
- Take 3 popsicle sticks and glue them side by side overlapping the center popsicle stick. This will be your base for the candles.

- After that, take 9 popsicle sticks and glue them about half an inch apart from each other.

3. Once you have those popsicle sticks glued together, take two more popsicle sticks and glue one on the center and another one right below forming a T.

4. Take construction paper or tin foil and cut out 9 flame-like shapes to add to each candle.

5. Finally, take your flame cut outs and glue each one on top of your 9 candles. YOU’RE DONE!

Star of David Hanger Decoration
Our next fun product is the Star of David hanger decoration. The Star of David, also known as Hebrew Magen David (“Shield of David ”), is one of the most recognizable symbols in the Jewish religion. This easy Star of David hanger decoration will add an extra touch of holiday spirit in your home this year.
- Popsicle sticks
- Glue
- Yarn
- Scissors
- Take 3 popsicle sticks and glue them side by side overlapping the center popsicle stick. This will be your base.

2. Take 3 more popsicle sticks and glue them together so that it forms triangle

3. Repeat the same step. You should now have 2 triangles
4. After that, glue both triangles together making sure each triangle is turned the opposite way
5. Once you have both triangles glued together you should now have a star with 6 points

6. Repeat this process 2 more times creating 3 stars
7. Next, take your yarn and cut 3 piece each measuring about 12 ½ inches
8. Tie one string to each star
9. Tie the other end of the strings to your base so that you are able to hang it
10. Cut another piece of string measuring about 24 inches
11. Lastly, tie the string on both ends of your base. Now you can hang it anywhere for the perfect Hanukkah decoration!

Hopefully you and your little ones enjoyed making these 3 Hanukkah crafts for kids.
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