A diaper bag is not just a diaper bag, it’s your lifeline when venturing out into the world, especially with a new baby. From blowouts (if you don’t know that term just wait, you’re in for a real “treat”), feedings, and diaper changes it is your mini-home away from home.
Ensuring your diaper bag is stocked will save you a lot of stress. Restocking is key, we recommend doing it after you return home. Chances are when you journey outdoors next time you’ll be running late or stressed– who knows if your little angel will spit up and need an outfit change moments before you are ready to walk out the door or the last feeding took longer than usual, babies are unpredictable. Thinking ahead will be paramount to your next successful adventure out.
We compiled this helpful guide to make sure you have the essentials to make it through an outing with as minimal stress as possible.
What to pack in your diaper bag
Figuring out what you need to pack can be challenging, luckily there are many parent pioneers that have blazed that trail for us. However, each person is unique and has their own set of criteria. We recommend thinking of possible scenarios – for instance, if an outing takes a couple of hours longer than expected or heaven forbid, your car breaks down. Life happens, usually at the most inconvenient of times. It’s always wise to have more than you’ll need and be prepared for worst-case scenarios. Obviously, you’ll need extra diapers and wipes. But what about an extra onesie in the event of an accident? An additional shirt for you in case of spit-up or leaking? Or, a few new toys to distract your little one if they’re getting impatient.
The items you need will change over time depending on your baby’s age and your exact needs, but this is a good starting point:
- Diapers and wipes
- A portable changing pad
- Diaper cream
- A spare onesie or set of clothes
- A soft blanket or swaddle
- Burp cloths (x2), bibs (x2)
- A spare teether and pacifier
- Extra toys
- Snacks for baby (if old enough) and snacks for you
- Sun hat and sunscreen in the spring and summer
- Winter hat, mittens, and gloves in fall and winter
- Anything you need to feed – for breastfeeding a nursing cover, nursing pads and portable pump or for formula feeding, 2 extra bottles, formula, and plenty of water
- Products for you (hand sanitizer/ sanitizing wipes, lip balm, feminine hygiene products, extra shirt)
- Water bottles for formula and also for you to stay hydrated
- First aid kit
Packing Tips:
Now that you know what to pack, we have some organizational tips to keep your diaper bag from turning into a black hole where you can’t find anything. Being a parent is a lot of work and can be exhausting. However, staying on top of things will save you a lot of grief when your baby is upset and you are feeling frantic. Don’t worry, you got this!
Restock regularly – We can’t stress this enough. We know after coming home from an outing, that sounds like the worst time to restock. As we said before, you’ll be more prone to remember what you used and what you wished you had brought. Get your baby settled and happy, then replenish your supplies. Once you get into this routine it’ll be second nature and easy peasy.
Keep extras in the car – We can’t scientifically prove this, but we are fairly certain that babies, as cute and sweet as they are, steal our brain cells, or maybe it’s sleep deprivation. Whatever it is, feeling forgetful is normal. For that reason, it’s best to keep backups of essentials in the car just in case you forget. A small pack of diapers, an extra formula for those formula-fed littles, a blanket, a change of clothes, a case of water bottles.
Update your items for every season – As you’re well aware babies grow rapidly and seasons change. Make sure you are swapping items seasonally. This will save you from a lot of stress and your future self will thank you. Change out diapers with new sizes as your baby grows. In the fall, swap the swim diapers and floaties for mittens and hats.
The 6 B’s — We all have a mantra we say when we leave the house. Wallet, keys, phone, purse, let’s roll! Well, add the 6 B’s to that mantra now. You won’t want to forget these absolute essentials: bottle, binky, bib, burp cloth, blanket, and bite (teething toy). Link the words to burp cloths and bibs.
Now you’re set up for success and as much of a stress-free outing as possible. Of course, there will be other things you need that are unique to you and your baby, but we hope you found this article helpful to get you started.
Need help stocking up on bibs, burp cloths, onesies, and t-shirts (even ones for you), visit our store. We have the largest selection of kids with solid colored t-shirts, onesies, gowns, sleep n plays, beanies, etc. If you want to customize them visit Wicked Milk. They’re there for all of your custom t-shirt needs, family shirts, and whatever designs your heart desires. We’d love to make your diaper bag essentials stand out from the crowd.