Wardrobe capsules took over Pinterest to simplify and minimize the “laundry monster”. The Laundry Monster is a term many moms use because it often feels like clothes are duplicating somehow and the laundry pile is endless.
It’s hard when friends give you clothes and you start keeping them for “one day”. Yet, that day never comes and you have toddler clothing falling out of drawers. Half the time, you use only a few items of clothing anyways and the rest just sits there.
There are many methods people are using to reduce clutter and maximize space – especially coveted drawer and closet space. Whether you choose the KonMari method, 40 Bags in 40 Days Challenge or Project 333, or maybe your mother’s secret trick she swears by, you’ll be better off for it.
Children, especially toddlers, get overwhelmed with decision-making. It also leads to meltdowns, not just theirs, but yours as well. Save yourself the headache of getting them dressed and put together a toddler capsule. I promise it’s LIFE CHANGING!
Step 1: Make a List and Check it Twice
Looking through clothes and deciding to keep or get rid of them is a daunting task. It’s easier to start with a checklist. That way you can look at what you have, let your children help you choose a few pieces, and donate the rest.
This list will have variations for every unique family. Maybe your child needs a jiu-jitsu gi or ballet outfit. Decide what works best for you, but this should provide a jumping-off point
The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe List For Each Child:
- 10-12 shirts
- 2 pairs of jeans
- 4-6 pairs of shorts
- 2-3 swimsuits
- 2-3 dresses for the girls
- 6 pairs of socks
- Sneakers
- Dress shoes
- Sandals
- Slip-on shoes
- 10 pairs of underwear
- 1 light jacket or sweater
Please note: Keeping a handful of other items that they can still fit in for other seasons may be helpful to not have to buy them again later. Also holding onto clothing items like a suit or holiday dress, wetsuits, snowsuits, or older clothing for camping or craft days.
Step 2: Choose a Color Palette
Most kids typically choose to wear a couple of their favorite colors most of the time. Base their wardrobe on these colors. For instance, if your child loves blue and green, then build a wardrobe capsule around those 2 colors.
Add in neutrals like grays, whites, or blacks. Having dresses or sweaters in the same color palette are great to keep for layering.
Step 3: Get Rid of The Extras
This is definitely the hardest part! If clothing doesn’t fit into the checklist, it’s time to be like Elsa and let it go. Parting with these may be difficult, if you don’t want to donate them, there are great resale sites like Poshmark, Mercari, or Facebook Marketplace where you can list them in a bundle and sell them easily. Once you do it you’ll feel like the weight of the world is off your shoulder (or at least your laundry basket).
Sort them out into piles:
- Keep pile – This will probably be the smallest pile.
- Donate/Sell pile – Regardless if you’re donating or selling, it’s important to only choose clothing you’d still want your own children to wear.
- Reuse Pile – Waste not, want not. This pile you can cut into cleaning cloths, paint rags, or crafting.
- Sentimental Pile – If you keep your children’s clothing for them in the future. A lot of parents like to keep the first outfit their baby wore, clothing you wore as a kid that your child now does, etc. Try to keep this small so you can add it to it and maybe one day make a quilt or pass them down.
Step 4: Fill in The Gaps
This is the most fun! Look at the master list for each child and figure out what you need to buy. That list will keep you from buying extra things you don’t need and just stick to the basics. Pairing a colorful top with a neutral bottom makes getting dressed easier on the kids and you!
Step 5: Kid-Friendly Folding
To be real, “kid-friendly folding” is kind of an oxymoron. While some kids prefer hanging to folding, either way, you go make sure your kids are on board. The KonMari way of folding and stacking horizontally in drawers allows you to see all of the clothes, giving the ones on the bottom their time to shine.
You’re going to love all that space and how easy it is to put away clothing. We told you this will change your life!
Shopping Tip: The Laughing Giraffe® is ideal for solid colors and mixing and matching. Pairing colorful tops with neutral bottoms will make getting dressed a breeze for both you and your toddler.
This minimalistic new wardrobe will not only save you the headache of getting your toddler dressed, but also free up space in your home. Not only will it cut down on laundry loads but it’ll help your kids not be overwhelmed with getting dressed AND helping put clothing away. Win-win!
Another Bonus: You won’t cringe every time they pick out that ONE top you hate or try to match a tie-dye shirt with leopard pants.